Plant Care

Here's everything you need to know to take care of your house plants
Aeschynathus marmoratus
Aeschynathus Rasta
Aglaonema 'Cherry Baby'
Alocasia 'African Mask'
Alocasia 'Pink Dragon'
Alocasia Bambino Arrow
Alocasia Lutea
Alocasia Stingray
Alocasia Zebrina
Aloe Variegata 'Magic'
Anthurium 'Aloha Red'
Anthurium 'Princess'
Anthurium (White)
Anthurium Black Love
Anthurium Clarinervium
Aporocactus 'Melanie'
Areca Palm
Asplenium Osaka
Begonia Maculata
Blue Star Fern
Boston Fern
Calathea 'Silver Pink'
Calathea 'White star'
Calathea Little Princess
Calathea Makoyana
Calathea Medallion
Calathea Network
Calathea Orbifolia
Calathea Rattlesnake
Calathea Rufibarba
Calathea Sanderiana
Calathea varied
Calathea Zebrina
Cerus Cactus varied
Chinese Evergreen
Chlorophytum 'Bonnie'
Chlorophytum Green Orange
Codiaeum 'Excellent'
Codiaeum 'Gold Star'
Coral Cactus
Crassula 'Gollum' - Jade Plant
Crassula Hottentot